The lak technique

Η τεχνική της Λακ

Many times we want to wear a color (ie camouflage) and below we look the other substrate, thus achieving a realistic color scheme. There are many ways to do this but one of the most effective is the technique of lacquer.

Suppose we have a tank that was painted with a dark color and then painted with a much more open. During the wear of the second color appears in small or large irregular surfaces in the first-color original. If you scrape with a tool or ntoukocharto the dark color will probably destroy both reaching the bare plastic (or resin). Of course we can put small touches maskol before we paint the second color but we will not have as good control over our final result.

The best way is using the technique of lacquer.

Spray the first color (preferably enamel / enamel) and let it dry thoroughly. After spray hairspray directly from the spray. This dries instantly. Immediately after spray the second color that will completely cover the first. This second should be acrylic. Once the spraying wait a few minutes (no need to wait for hours to dry), we get a number 1 or 0 brush, dip it in some water and begin to gently rub the spots we want to do the peeling, the erasures and general damage us. We will see that the water removes broom-like mop acrylic paint revealing our original color underneath!

As much water as are the hairs of the brush and as intensely rub the brush on the surface of the model, the more intensely we flaking.

Continue unabated until satisfied with the result, making sure not to overdo it at once because it corrected the error. Also good is to first do a test on an old our model.

The secret of this technique is the water-soluble nature of hairspray. The water penetrates the acrylic paint, comes in LAC, dissolve it and it so appears below the original solid color enamel like no harm anything.