MiG-31 Foxhound, AMK 1/48 (WIP)

Some more "in progress" photos, mainly of the cockpit and the exhausts. The cockpit was painted using a mix of Gunze's H46, H25 and white, in 2:1:3 proportion.Seatbelts were added using aluminum foil, and the whole cockpit was weathered with dark wash and drybrushing, while the small details were painted in various colours according to photos of the real thing. The r-33 missiles were painted with Akan's white, and after a long masking session a mix of Modelmaster Metalizer Titanium and Burnt metal was sprayed. The exhausts were painted using Burnt metal and then were randomly drybrushed with Steel. In the inside I used green for the inner section and burnt metal for the outer, which were weathered using the airbrush and pastel powder.
(To be continued...)

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